“Smooth implementation thanks to excellent documentation” – How software developers perceive iCL
“This was the most effortless software implementation I’ve ever worked on.”
Daniel Starlinger, ERP software developer at FIX Gebäudesicherheit + Service GmbH

© FIX Gebäudesicherheit + Service
What was the initial situation?
We were looking for a software solution that fulfils and includes as many fire safety inspection items as possible. The fire safety software we worked with before switching to iCL took an incredible amount of time to do documentation and generate reports. We wanted to change that.
What convinced you that iCL is the right software for your company?
Ultimately, the decisive factor for choosing Opti-Q as a provider and the iCL software solution was a good gut feeling. Paul Zieger always gave us the feeling that we would end up with a good solution, both before and during the test phase. We had already looked at all the relevant issues in depth, so it was just a matter of trusting Paul Zieger and his team.
Why Opti-Q?
As a customer, we felt we were in good hands with Opti-Q. Given the relatively low cost of entry, the decision to buy did not pose a big risk for us. We quickly realized that the solution’s basic settings already meet 90% of our needs, and the remaining 10% of our required parameters were incorporated extremely quickly. That really impressed us. As a software developer, I enjoyed working with the Opti-Q team because I got solution-oriented, straightforward, personalized help quickly.
What excites you about iCL?
We really liked the quick configurability and being able to immediately integrate photos in the documentation during an inspection. With iCL, we no longer need to spend time creating reports after an inspection. We can also record defects much more quickly during follow-up inspections. Inspectors can load and update the status at the touch of a button, which is a significant improvement.
As a software developer, were you worried about the implementation phase?
The excellent documentation for all the interfaces made me less anxious about it. Opti-Q’s high level of professionalism was evident from the start thanks to its precise documentation. That really impressed me.
Did the fire inspectors have any concerns about switching to Opti-Q?
Yes, they did. We had just rolled out an app that unfortunately did not go over that well with the company. The inspectors were very reluctant and said things like, “Now I’m going to have even more work with yet another program.” But after just one day of using iCL, the biggest critic said, “Okay, this software actually is much better than the old one.” When I hear feedback like that as a software engineer, I know that we really did everything right during implementation.
How did you experience the implementation phases, from loading the app to setting up the interfaces?
Extremely straightforward. This was the most effortless software implementation I’ve ever worked on. I was able to read up on 95% of the topics on my own just from the documentation. The Opti-Q team quickly provided me with answers to the remaining 5%. The entire implementation was completed within two months.
What surprised you as a software developer?
Interfaces are usually prone to errors. Either the functionality is not communicated clearly enough or there are misunderstandings by the IT department. This is often because the company’s internal processes aren’t clear to the software service provider. That was not the case with Opti-Q or the interface documentation. Both were completely transparent.
How would you rate the interface integration documents on a scale of one to five, with five being the best?
Definitely five. I have never seen such detailed interface descriptions before.
How was Opti-Q’s support and communication?
These were excellent too. When a contact person at Opti-Q was on sick leave, Managing Director Paul Zieger seamlessly picked up where his colleague left off and took over responsibility for any issues. Their team works so smoothly and took good care of me as a customer. I think that’s great.
Our customer
FIX Gebäudesicherheit + Service GmbH
Fix is part of the Peneder Group and specializes in facility management and facility services. With a team of over 110 employees, our client is active in Austria, Germany and Switzerland. More at https://www.fix-fm.com/at/
Quality optimization through IT solutions
We bring together IT expertise and many years of experience in quality management. This combination enables innovative product development and enhances our consulting. iCL is a standardized software tool for creating complex checklists to assist you with integrating IT solutions in quality management.
Do you want to save time and money with iCL? We’d love to tell you how. Call us today at +43 699 1508 4588 or email office@opti-q.com.